Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Book Review: Tortured For Christ, by Richard Wurmbrand

By Beth Tang

We Christians in Singapore take our religious freedom for granted and try to ‘sugarcoat’ Christianity with egos of thanking God that we are safe from troubles and objections in our minds, not knowing what lies beyond the comfort we have received from Our Creator.

Richard Wrumbrand (1909-2001) was imprisoned in Romania grip of communism, just because he stood up for Christ during one of the communist relays with a Bible in his hand.

It began with his wife Sabrina telling him to ‘wipe the shame from the face of Christ’ which led his family to unspeakable torture like freezing in a box with little clothing (so much that he became fearful of opening his own fridge!), and being poked by sharp objects. Despite the brainwashing, assaults and having been denied from ever seeing God’s creation that is nature, he still trusted God and learnt more about Him each day. He never doubted God for what he was going through. He not only mentions his ordeal but also talks about other Christians who suffered in persecuted countries like Iran, China and North Korea. This book is the a glimpse of what it is like living as a Christian in a persecuted country.

It is also a great insight on missions, for example Richard made his son Mihai and the other children roam around streets distributing ‘illegal’ bibles and Gospels. In turn the soldiers treated them nicely and gave them sweets or chocolate (Richard mention Russians have a soft spot on children).

It’s a good wake up call for Christians in free countries and those who wanted to go to the mission field. It will make you read this again and again. It’s a good book to see what a persecuted church is like.

Will you hear our message? Remember us. Help us. Don’t abandon us.’
-- Richard Wrumbrand ‘s message to the Christians in free world

“You're blessed when your commitment to God provokes persecution. The persecution drives you even deeper into God's kingdom.” -- Matthew 5:10 (The Message)

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